Monday, February 22, 2016

Kaytek Is Gone / Nie ma Kajtka

Not long ago after his sister died, Kaytek started hiding himself in a wardrobe. At first, we thought he was grieving, missing Pusia. Since he was not eating much, mum took him to the vet's. Some test had been done and it appeared that six of Kaytek's teeth needed to be extracted. And so it happened. The cat had problems with eating and chewing, but was recovering steadily. Soon, he became playful and joyful again.

About ten months later, poor Kaytek was spending most of the time in the wardrobe again, he did not want to eat, did not drink much either. It seemed he had difficulties with swallowing too.
Mum took him to the vet's again. And then again and again. Blood tests, drips to make him stronger (he was dehydrated), painkillers, antibiotics, some medicine to treat his mouth - his gums were all in wounds, eye drops (he had bloody tears). Everything to help him and ease his suffering. It did not last long (for a week?), but all the efforts seemed not to bring any positive effects. Kaytek was fading away and we thought, sadly, it was time to end his agony. Well, before mom managed to take the cat to the pets clinic again, he died.

I thought I would be able to hug Pusia and Kaytek when I would visit Poland, but I will not. Pusia is gone and there is no Kaytek any more either.

Little Kaytek - when he came to our home
Kaytek - a few years ago..

Niedługo po śmierci Pusi, Kajtek zaczął chować się w szafie. Myśleliśmy, że mu smutno i brakuje mu siostry. Jednak ze względu na to, że kot przestał jeść, mam wzięła go do weterynarza. Po badaniach stwierdzono, że sześć zębów jest zepsutych i wymagają usunięcia. I tak się stało.

Po zabiegu kot był w marnym stanie, ale stopniowo dochodził do siebie. Wkrótce znów chętnie bawił się i jadł. Wszystko to było z dziesięć miesięcy temu. Ostatnio kot znów chował się ciemnych miejscach, nie jadł i prawie nie pił. Oczywiście mama zaniosła go do weterynarza, by sprawdzić, co się dzieje. Badania krwi, kroplówki na wzmocnienie, antybiotyki, maść do smarowania dziąseł. Wnętrze jamy ustnej Kajtusia wyglądało jak jedna duża rana. Jak smarować dziąsła kota - on po prostu nie dawał sobie tego robić. Był cały obolały. W jego łzach pojawiła się krew. Dostał więc też krople do oczu - mama  starała się zakraplać, co też było trudne. Kolejna wizyta w klinice zwierząt i kolejna. Znów kroplówki, środki przeciwbólowe i antybiotyk. Wszystko to trwało tylko kilka dni. Niestety terapia nie przynosiła poprawy i doszliśmy do smutnego wniosku, że trzeba będzie zakończyć cierpienia kota. Następnego dnia mama, która opiekowała się Kajtkiem, miała iść z nim na ostatnią wizytę do kociej kliniki. W  nocy, z piatku na sobotę,  Kajtuś zmarł.

Miałam nadzieję uściskać nasze koty, kiedy przyjadę do kraju, ale już nie uściskam. Pusi już nie ma i Kajtka nie ma.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Bat Tunnel & State Park

Not far from Fredericksburg, in the Texas Hill Country (off the old San Antonio Road) there is an old tunnel. It used to be part of the Fredericksburg and Northern Railway Co. (1913 to 1941). These days it is famous for about three million Mexican free-tailed bats and three thousand myotis bats, which live there and which emerge from the tunnel every evening.

When you come to the place, the first thing which you can see there is the view of the picturesque and beautiful landscape. If you arrive early in the morning or are simply lucky enough, and there are not too many people, you can also enjoy the quietness of the spot and the beautiful voices of the birds as well.

Tourists sitting on those benches can watch the bat emergence.

During a tour, you can also see (from a distance of course) the tunnel where the bats live.

The tunnel - where the bats sleep

I was amazed at the beauty and peacefulness of the Old Tunnel State Park. I loved its wilderness, the trees and other plants, simply nature.

If you are curious enough, you can find out more about the place and the bats - just stop and read...

Being city persons, we very much appreciated the prettiness and the calmness of the place.

Bearberry is very rare in Poland that is why..

... some plants were quite exotic to me.....

We enjoyed the visit to the park a lot!

There are also a few spots where you can sit and enjoy the view. We brought the binoculars with us, to be able to see what the human eye cannot spot, and fully admire the landscape and its elements.

The place is also a small bird sanctuary. We could see quite a lot of them there, especially around the feeder area. There were my favorite Cardinals and some other kinds of birds as well. Watching them was so pleasant!

Male Cardinals and their red suits are so lovely!

Although we did not see the bats (it was too early - they emerge in the evening), we loved our visit in the Old Tunnel State Park. When you happen to be in the Hill Country, I strongly recommend visiting the place too.

Learn more about the Old Tunnel State Park here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Luckenbach Pets

Here are the pets which we met during our last visit in Luckenbach, Texas.


They are so much used to visitors that they do not really care for their presence.

Inside the store

Dog - inside the pub - he enjoyed listening to a concert by a local country artist: singer and guitar player.


As usual,  cocks rule in Luckenbach. However, that day, due to small number of guests visiting the place, the cocks did not jump on the tree branches. They just walked freely here and there, shouting loud to let everybody know who the master is.

There were also other creatures..

a guest from Australia


a local Texas guy.